How to Report Work and Wages

If you work or earn any wages while receiving unemployment benefits, you must report these wages when you certify for benefits. You can certify with UI Online or by mail using the paper Continued Claim Form (DE 4581) (PDF).

When certifying for UI benefits, report your work and gross wages (wages earned before any deductions) during the actual week you worked and earned the wages, not when you received your pay.

Note: The certification week always starts on a Sunday and ends on a Saturday.

Continued Claim Form (DE 4581) Question 6 Examples

Question 6 on the Continued Claim Form (DE 4581) (PDF) asks: “Did you work or earn any money, whether you were paid or not?”

If you are certifying by mail and want help answering this question, use the following examples.

You worked for one employer during both weeks listed, and continue to work.

First Week

Second Week

How to Answer

Answer Yes for both weeks because you worked and earned wages during the two weeks listed.

Item 6a: To calculate your earnings before deductions, multiply the number of hours you worked that week by your hourly rate of pay. Enter this information in the space provided on the form.

Item 6b: Report your employment information. Enter this information in the space provided on the form.

Date Last Worked Total Hours Worked Employer Name and Mailing Address Reason No Longer Working
First Week 01/06/XX 12 ABC Company, 1234 Example Street Anywhere, CA 99999 Still working
Second Week 01/14/XX 15 ABC Company, 1234 Example Street Anywhere, CA 99999 Still working

You worked for multiple employers during both weeks listed, and continue to work.

First Week

Second Week

How to Answer

Answer Yes for both weeks because you worked and earned wages during the two weeks listed.

Part 6a: To determine your gross wages, multiply the number of hours you worked that week, and multiply it by your hourly rate of pay. Enter this information in the space provided on the form.

Part 6b: Report your employment information. Enter this information in the space provided on the form. This must be completed.

Note: Report the last employer you worked for in each week. In the column Reason No Longer Working, enter Still Working.

You received residual pay during both weeks listed.

Important: To make sure you properly report your residual pay or holding fees, review Instructions to Claimants for Reporting Residual Payments and Holding Fees (DE 4005) (PDF).

First Week

Second Week

How to Answer

Answer Yes for both weeks because you earned and received residual pay during the two weeks listed.

Part 6a: This must be completed. Enter your information into the appropriate box.

Item 6b

Date Last Worked Total Hours Worked Employer Name and Mailing Address Reason No Longer Working
First Week 01/03/XX (leave blank) ABC Talent, 999 Example Street Anywhere, CA 99999 Residual pay
Second Week 01/13/XX (leave blank) ABC Talent, 999 Example Street Anywhere, CA 99999 Residual pay

You received pension pay during the first week listed.

You may be scheduled for an eligibility interview to find out if pension is deductible from your weekly UI benefits.

If the pension is deductible, we will send a notification of the amount to be deducted from your weekly UI benefit. You will not need to report your pension on a weekly basis until you end the current claim, file a new claim, or you have a change in pension amount.

First Week

Second Week

How to Answer

Answer Yes for the first week and No for the second week.

Item 6a

Item 6b

Date Last Worked Total Hours Worked Employer Name and Mailing Address Reason No Longer Working
First Week 01/03/17 (leave blank) ABC Co., 1234 Example Street Anywhere, CA 99999 monthly pension pay
Second Week (leave blank) (leave blank) (leave blank) (leave blank)

Additional Resources

For more information about unemployment claims for entertainment industry workers, visit File a Claim: Entertainment Industry.

To learn how to report work and wages using UI Online, view one of these YouTube video tutorials: